The Food And Sex Issue

Coleslaw and pickles with pulled pork and chicken. Green eyes and brown hair an fine lissome women. The pleasures of food and the joys of the skin, these are a few of my favourite things.

I love food and sex . Whether enjoyes as separate courses or thrown together on the same platen I'm a glutton for it. I'm a man - it's what we like. You May not share my interest in early-70s kroutrock; I may not care for your fondness of bad action movies.

But we can likely agree to disagree over a porterhouse steak served by Helena Christensen. This issue is dedicated to the things we love.On p106, we teach you how to become a ninja in the kitchen - by wich we mean ruthlessly efficient with nutrients, precisely skilled and the proud owner of some prodigious knives.

We also give you a saluttary lesson in finding love and formidable sex in the gym on p98 - though it's worth saying that having located both it's advisable to take them elsewhere. Meanwhile , on p112 we cross the streams by combining nourishment knowhow with the science of the libido to create a feature that makes nine 1/2 weeks look like Ratatouille. Of course, we've never been ones to neglect our duties.

All the usual fare about building a spectacular physique and armour-plating your boy against the rigours of the good life is correct and present. But if you like to have your cake eat it. we(ve got you covered.
